9 questions that can help you boost your performance and creativity.

Javier Perez Viu
2 min readSep 21, 2020
Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash

I’ve been very much interested in high performance, creativity and flow states for the past couple of years. After reading what i consider a seminal book, Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal, I decided to dig deeper and embark myself into a path of education to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of flow and how I can bring more to my life.

I recently joined a 12 week online course at Jamie Wheal’s Flow Genome Project and I was able to extract a quick self assessment questionnaire that’s helping me set an intention in regards to achieving this (sometimes elusive) state.

The following questions represent some of the main flow triggers that are related to this autotelic experience. By answering this you will be more aware of your current status regarding some of the main flow triggers and it can lead to defining strategies to improve your exposure them. Please consider this as a self assessment exercise in order to understand your current status when it comes to achieving flow. You can either incorporate this into your journaling activities once a week/month or have this as part of a thorough yearly self-assessment excercise.

How much predictability and/or newness do I feel in my life right now?

How much connection to the natural world do I feel is in my life right now?

How much simple being do I have in my life?

How much non-intellectual stimulation or training is in my life right now?

How many categories of my life feel effortless to me?

Hoe many states of consciousness do I regularly have access to right now?

How connected do I feel right now to my personal and professional performance?

How well am I managing and cultivating my fight/flight/freeze instincts?

How close is my relationship to death/dying right now?

For more information please refer to the Flow Genome Project



Javier Perez Viu

A life and business coach exploring the intersections of culture, business and human performance. Communicator/Discoverer/Curator